Investing for Returns

This blog is for young investors looking for the right technology or product to invest in. This blog is also for entrepreneurs who are getting ready to face the tough world of Venture Capital. One question that both these groups need to understand and answer is: “Why should someone invest in a particular technology or product?”. I will take you through the various aspects of a product, its founders, the environment and other factors that are important in answering this question. For e.g. a technology or product may be great, but if the founders of the technology have a bad reputation then the chances of funding for the technology are slim. On the other hand if we have two similar technologies evolving in different geographic locations, one may get funding easily while the other with the same value proposition may not get funding at all. So the question is: ‘What are the criteria that VC’s use in making funding decisions?’.
In my subsequent blogs I will go through these criteria one by one. Keep watching this space……

About rachnadayal

I am from India and an electrical engineer by training. I love traveling and my professional interests are International Investments and Bottom of Pyramid solutions across the globe
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1 Response to Investing for Returns

  1. You are using all your talents and all the experience you gathered. Great!

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